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X (Formerly Twitter) Follower Ad Campaigns Are No More—Here's What To Do Next...
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X (Formerly Twitter) Follower Ad Campaigns Are No More—Here's What To Do Next...
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This post was originally intended to detail how to set up and run a follower ad campaign on Twitter (this was before it became X).

But then, shortly before publication, Twitter decided to discontinue follower ads, despite the $100 million revenue such ads were generating

So what’s the impact on advertisers?

In brief, it means you can't run ads on X with the followers objective.

Followers can only be attracted via:

  • Organic means
  • Promoted posts

So growing followers must now be purely a side effect of your visibility on X (and potentially elsewhere).

Let's see how to approach it. In this post, you'll discover:

  • The benefits of growing your followers on X
  • 4 key alternatives to follower ad campaigns

But first…

Why Do You Want More Followers on X Anyway?

If you’re going to be investing time, energy and money into growing your followers on X, it’s best to be sure on exactly why you want to do that.

Yes, it can feel good to see your follower numbers rise. But ego stroking shouldn’t be the only reward.

So what are the tangible, real world, business benefits of increasing your followers?

Let’s see… here’s a list of the top 7:

  1. Enhanced brand awareness—more followers mean more people know about you, right?
  2. Improved audience engagement—if you’ve got more people following you, you’ll naturally enjoy greater levels of interaction with your audience…
  3. Increased website traffic—more followers give you greater leverage to drive visitors to your website, whether through posts that link directly or through sharing content like videos and images that mention your domain or include a suitable CTA
  4. Social proof—high follower counts mean your brand is far more likely to be taken seriously…
  5. Customer insights—the demographics and other details of who’s following you provides valuable insights about who you’re attracting, which can help fine tune your messaging on and off the platform. The more such data you have, the more accurate those insights are...
  6. Partnership opportunities—larger followings help attract potential partners and collaborators, as well as provide credibility when you’re approaching them...
  7. Effective promotion—you have more leverage when marketing your products and services..
Growing followers on X increases social proof and authority, boosts the visibility of your brand, and opens doors to new partnerships.Click To Post On Post on X

A Brief Background of Twitter's Transformation into X

In October 2022, Elon Musk officially acquired Twitter for $44 billion.

He quickly set about introducing a raft of changes such as:

  • Paid ‘blue badge’ verification
  • Longer content for paid subscribers
  • Revenue sharing.

But perhaps the most significant change came in July 2023. The platform was rebranded as X (part of Musk's plan to transform it into an 'everything app') and the iconic blue bird icon disappeared.

Even “tweets” are now officially referrred to as “posts", similar to most other social platforms.

X is thought to have around 335 million users

But X is here to stay, and is thought to have around 335 million monthly active users.

Running what used to be a Twitter follower ad campaign used to be the obvious choice for growing your followers more quickly.

But are there other paid options available on X that can still help?

Let’s take a look…

4 Key Alternatives to Running a Twitter Follower Ad Campaign

The previously-available Twitter follower ad campaign was specifically designed to optimize to attract followers.

So the algorithm would show the Promoted Account Ad (as it was known) to users most likely to convert as followers, based on for example your existing followers, people who had done so already, or specific targeting you’d set on the campaign.

People who saw the ad (see the following examples) could follow you with a single click.

Ads running in a Twitter follower ad campaign looked like these examples, with users able to just click the Follow button

Now these ads are no longer available, you need to approach things a little differently.

Because the remaining ad objectives are optimized for other purposes, it’s best to run ads designed for those objectives, with the followers you gain as a result a nice side benefit.

Strictly speaking, the cost per follower (when looked at in isolation) will probably be higher than you would have otherwise had via a specific Twitter follower ad campaign.

But then you’ll be running an ad for a different objective anyway, and where your main ROI will come from, so it doesn’t really matter.

The only exception is possibly the first one in this list, namely…

1. An Engagement Campaign

When you set up a campaign with the Engagements objective, X will aim to maximize the number of engagements with your post, including:

  • Likes…
  • Reposts (i.e. what we used to call retweets)…
  • Replies…
  • Profile visits…
  • Link clicks…
  • And so on.

Select the Engagements objective to grow engagement with your post, which can include profile visits and follower growth

Obviously, a good assumption to make is that additional followers will be part of the results you experience when running this type of campaign, particularly when:

  • Your post is reposted, giving your original post additional visibility with new audiences…
  • People visit your profile via your handle at the top of the ad.

And the more engagement the post attracts, the more credible, authoritative and trustworthy it appears, potentially accelerating the followers you gain as a result.

In addition, people who may have followed as a result of a follower ad campaign would have just clicked the Follow button on the ad, but that doesn’t mean they’re the type of people who engage with posts on the platform.

In contrast, with an engagement campaign, you’re attracting people likely to be more habitually tuned into engaging with posts, and are therefore more likely to engage with your future posts too, boosting your future follower growth too.

Note that with this type of campaign, you’re charged per post engagement.

Running a paid Engagements ad on X not only helps grow your followers, but attracts followers more likely to engage with your future posts too.Click To Post On Post on X

2. A Conversions Campaign

Conversion campaigns tend to be popular with advertisers because the ROI is so easy to track. For x dollars ad spend, you get y conversions, whether leads, sales or whatever other actions you’re wanting to drive on your website.

Pick the Conversions objective as an alternative way to attract followers on X

So how can this work to drive followers of your X account?

While you’re unlikely to want to drive traffic to your website with the sole purpose of getting another Twitter follower (which you wouldn’t be able to directly track through the ad anyway), it can be a nice side benefit by asking those who convert to follow you via your thank you page.

The landing page for a conversions campaign run on X should be individualized for that particular campaign, so that it can be:

  • Designed for optimal conversions for people arriving from X…
  • Tested and further optimized for that specific audience.

This means you already know that people arriving on the page are X users. So your thank you page (for example, after someone has signed up to your list) can be designed with the sole objective of asking them to follow you on X.

You could even incentivize this in some way by asking them to DM you after following you, with some specific text that means for example they can take advantage of an additional freebie or some other special offer.

Alternatively (or in addition) If they’re signing up to your list, send them a message after a couple of days asking them to follow you on X, and giving them a strong reason to do so.

Again, experiment with different follow + DM-type approaches that also serve to increase a prospect’s sense of relationship with your brand.

Be creative and test out different approaches.

3. A Video Views Campaign

Designed to drive up views of a video in your post, there are different ways this can help grow your followers.

An example of a video views campaign on X, which can also help attract followers

First though, it’s unlikely to be cost effective to run a video ad with the sole purpose of growing your followers. So run it with another main purpose in mind.

For example, the video above is designed to grow sales of an ecommerce business.

While you’ll naturally attract new followers as a result of running the ad anyway, you can also experiment with layering in a call to action somewhere in the video that encourages viewers to follow you.

For example, “For more great videos like this, follow us at @...”.

Or simply, “Follow us at @...”.

While it may initially detract from the main objective (e.g. increased ecommerce sales), the additional followers may result in a larger longer term advantage.

Equally though, it may not detract at all (while still giving you more followers than you’d get otherwise!)… so just experiment.

Note there are four different bid types on this type of campaign, with one of them charged on a CPM basis rather than per applicable view—more details here under Bidding strategy.

Try running a Video Views campaign on X where, as a side benefit, you layer in a CTA to subtly boost your follower count.Click To Post On Post on X

4. A Reach Campaign

Charged on a CPM basis (unlike most other X ad campaigns) a campaign running under the reach objective is designed to simply show your post to as many people as possible, based on your budget and targeting options.

Try running a reach campaign to help attract followers on X too

It’s designed largely to build awareness of your brand, but a natural side effect of an engaging ad is that people will also follow you.

So, while it’s unlikely it would run as a cost-effective follower campaign when looked at in isolation, if you’re looking to build brand awareness anyway, it would be worth analyzing the results to judge the additional follower count gained as a result.

Remember that followers won’t only be attracted directly through the ad, but also when the post is reposted (and further reposts of it after that).

Run a Reach Campaign on X for brand awareness. Engaging ads can also subtly amplify your followers too, especially through reposts.Click To Post On Post on X

To Conclude

As we’ve seen, even though X (formerly Twitter) follower ad campaigns are no longer available, you can still accelerate follower growth on the platform via other campaign types, where follower acquisition will occur as a natural side effect.

And there are opportunities to encourage that process by being creative in how the ads are run, such as using an appropriate CTA in a video views campaign, or incentivizing people to follow you on your thank you page for a conversions campaign.

While such campaigns are unlikely to be as cost effective as an optimized follower ad campaign might have been in the past when viewed purely on a cost-per-follower basis, the followers you acquire should be viewed as an added benefit to some other metric you’re measuring to judge a particular ad’s effectiveness.

In other words, you’re growing your followers for longer term advantage, in addition to achieving shorter term objectives such as lead or customer acquisition.

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Steve Shaw is the founder of EverywhereMarketer, helping businesses and professional marketers streamline their content strategies and maximize their impact across multiple channels.

With over 20 years of experience running online businesses, Steve has served 13,000 customers across 137 countries, empowering them to achieve measurable results in their marketing efforts.

At EverywhereMarketer, Steve combines proven expertise with innovative tools to help marketers grow their online visibility, drive engagement, and scale their businesses with confidence.

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