This post gives you over 70 different ways to repurpose content that can be plugged straight into your content marketing workflow, and thereby:
- Grow your visibility across multiple channels
- Reach new prospects and customers where they are (rather than where you want them to be)
Out of these:
- Some you will have heard of and may already be doing
- Others you may have forgotten about (and maybe meant to add into your workflow at some point) but haven't got around to it yet
- Others may be brand new... and perhaps you'll be inspired to investigate them further
But first, let's ask an important question...
Download this list of 70+ killer ways to repurpose content so you have it to refer back to:
Why Repurpose Content?
If you’re solely publishing content through a blog, alongside some social sharing, you’re likely only reaching a fraction of the audience you otherwise could.
“Why is multi-channel marketing important? Because you need to be in all the places where your customers are searching for information and help them find it.”
Michael Brenner, Marketing Insider Group
Repurposing content means you multiply the benefits from an original piece of content, likely many times over.
Your original content acts as your seed content, from which other types of content grow.
While some adaptation is nearly always required—anything from extracting a snippet from the original content for sharing elsewhere, to adapting it into an entirely new format—it rarely takes anywhere near as long as it took to create the original.
It’s also an activity that can be easily delegated or outsourced to others, something that can be easily managed with some content marketing workflow software.
For maximum results from repurposing, the original content should be as evergreen as possible. In other words, avoid creating seed content that will seem both dated and irrelevant after just a few weeks.
Ideally it should still be generating traffic and leads for you a year or two from now, and often longer.
70+ Ways to Repurpose Content
For each of the options listed here (the end products of repurposing), with a few exceptions, we’ve suggested at least three types of original content that can be transformed into them—offering inspiration and ideas for your strategy.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive. You’ll spot a lot of overlap, and will hopefully think of various other repurposing possibilities for your own content.
Repurposing on Your Website / Blog
Let’s start with the content platform you fully own and control—your website and blog.
1. Blog post
As you scroll through this list, you’ll come to see that the most oft-quoted type of content that can be repurposed into another type of content is exactly this… a blog post.
That’s why at EverywhereMarketer blog posts are used as the seed content, the source of nearly all the resultant content repurposing activities.
And, as an additional benefit, each time a blog post is repurposed, it's often easy see ways in which that original blog post can be improved, building value for visitors and improving rankings.
But that doesn’t mean you have to use a blog as your pillar content channel. You can for example use a podcast or YouTube channel in a similar way.
- A podcast
- A previously-published ebook
- A webinar
- A video tutorial
- A whitepaper
2. Case study
Repurpose internal data and customer testimonials as case studies that can be used as part of your marketing materials.
You will (hopefully) receive positive feedback from customers on a regular basis that you can then use as testimonials.
By following up with such customers, you’ll be able to turn a proportion of those into case studies for your business.
At the very least, your customer support team should be trained to identify positive customer feedback that can be used as potential testimonials.
From there, develop a follow-up process that provides opportunities to these customers to help develop that feedback into a case study, potentially rewarding them in some way for their time and cooperation.
- Internal research
- A customer testimonial
- Customer feedback or survey responses
3. RSS feed
Your blog likely already repurposes your blog posts into an RSS feed that can then be used for other purposes, including creating additional content elsewhere automatically.
RSS feeds can for example be submitted to RSS submission sites to help attract additional traffic and other benefits.
Information on how to identify your RSS feed can be found here.
Other content platforms provide RSS feeds you can use in the same way, including Medium and YouTube.
- Blog posts (on WordPress)
- Medium content
- YouTube Channel
4. Customer FAQs
You’ll likely be all-too-familiar with the questions your prospects and customers tend to regularly ask.
If you haven’t already done so, create a section of your website dedicated to these FAQs that they can then peruse before even contacting you.
Here’s one from Airbnb:
Some other examples of FAQ pages done well can be seen here.
For creating these FAQs, you’ll likely find you have existing content that can be repurposed as answers, such as blog posts and answers to common questions for your niche on Quora.
- Blog posts
- Quora answers
- Responses to blog comments
5. Customer support response
Once you have an FAQ section on your website, the same answers can then be repurposed as copy-paste-adapt answers by your support team responding to email inquiries.
You can use the same content as reference material for support phone calls, or even sales calls.
- Customer FAQ
- Quora answer
- Autoresponder message
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6. Ebook
Ebooks are powerful tools for lead generation, growing authority and credibility, and generally raising the profile of your business.
Once you have one, developing it as a Kindle book for Amazon puts your business on one of the biggest content platforms in the world—and one of the biggest search engines.
“Many people think our main competition is Bing or Yahoo. But, really, our biggest search competitor is Amazon.”
Eric Schmidt, Google
Longer blog posts are ideal for repurposing into short-form ebooks.
Create longer ebooks of say 20,000+ words by repurposing a number of related posts, with each post potentially forming a new chapter.
To make the most of repurposing, it helps to plan ahead:
- Decide on the topic of an ebook that would be useful to customers in your niche.
- Break it down into a dozen or so chapter headings.
- Use a content calendar to plan content for your blog, where different posts on the blog correspond to each of these chapters.
- Once the relevant blog posts have been created and published, create the ebook by simply compiling them together.
- Blog posts
- Podcast episodes
- Whitepaper
Repurpose for Lead Generation and Nurturing
Of course, one of the main reasons for repurposing content and publishing content across the web is to attract leads.
For that purpose alone, it can serve as a powerhouse of business growth:
- Research indicates content marketing produces 3x more leads than outbound marketing, while costing 62% less.
- Another study found that content marketing is 6x more effective than traditional marketing for both generating leads and converting those leads into customers.
Speaking of which, how does content help convert leads into customers?
Through sharing information that helps build the relationship you have with them.
So again, repurposing content is vital here too.
- Email marketing isn’t going anywhere. 80% of marketers reported that email engagement has been increasing.
7. High-relevance opt-in offer
Your blog is of course ideally suited for lead generation.
It’s a platform you fully control, you can experiment with a variety of approaches to maximize the number of visitors you convert into leads, and you have full access to all the stats.
One of the best ways to do this is by making a high-relevance opt-in offer to the visitor.
In other words, you already know exactly what the visitor is interested in when they visit a particular blog post.
So what additional content can you create and offer them that’s highly relevant to the page they’re on that encourages them to opt-in to your list?
You may already have existing content that can be simply repurposed in this way and used as a lead magnet.
Or you can create some that can then be repurposed elsewhere too.
You may have already repurposed the blog post as some video content (see below) that can then be used back on the blog as a high-relevance opt-in offer for the post.
The same lead magnet can be used within other content too, such as a story on Medium or a LinkedIn article.
- Internal research
- Blog post
- Video content
8. Whitepaper/guide/report
Another type of lead magnet is a whitepaper, guide or report.
This can be used as a lead magnet in return for the visitor's email address, or simply offered on your website via a direct link as additional content for the visitor.
Usually these will be in PDF format, and can be published on other sites too such as Scribd to reach new audiences and grow your visibility.
It’s likely you already have some content that could be repurposed as a whitepaper, guide or report.
Relatively long, in-depth blog posts for example are ideal.
When developed as a PDF download, it can even be offered back on the original blog post for visitors who want to save the information for later.
- Blog post
- Video content
- Internal research
9. Autoresponder message
Regularly communicating with those on your list is of course vital for building your relationship with prospects, growing trust, and converting leads into customers.
One of the easiest ways is through email autoresponder, with a set of messages that go out over time to people joining your list.
(See our review of some of the best email campaign services available for small businesses).
Of course, people on your list won’t have read every blog post, watched every video or otherwise consumed all the content you’ve created that would otherwise be of value to them.
So put that content to good use.
Use it as the basis of autoresponder messages that then go out on autopilot to your list.
However, be sure to regularly review such content—ideally every 3-6 months—to ensure it doesn’t become outdated or stops properly reflecting your business.
- Blog post
- Video content
- Quora answer
10. Email newsletter
As well as autoresponder messages, content can be repurposed for more immediate communication too.
Email newsletters are powerful relationship-building tools, used to:
- Grow open rates
- Increase your ROI from email marketing as a whole.
That’s exactly what we do at EverywhereMarketer, repurposing a blog post as part of the newsletter alongside other content such as industry news.
- Blog post
- Video content
- Book
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11. Email course
A set of emails can themselves become a lead magnet you can use to grow your list, such as in the form of an email course.
Or you can use an email course to help nurture leads on your list, educating them alongside letting them know about how your products or services can help.
For example, I help educate leads on my list via an eSeries that teaches them how to master blogging for business purposes, knowing the huge value that will deliver for their businesses when they do so.
Leads receive a weekly email that covers one of my top strategies to multiply their results from blogging for rapid traffic, lead and sales growth.
Currently the content for the eSeries is original—it's created it fresh rather than repurposed it from existing content—but in due course, this in itself will be repurposed into other forms, and then used to add additional value back into the eSeries.
- Blog posts
- Ebook
- Video tutorial
Repurpose as Images / Graphics
12. Infographic
Infographics are one of the most engaging forms of media available.
For one, they attract three times more likes and shares on social media than other forms of content.
More than half of marketers for both B2B and B2C businesses use infographics in their marketing.
I’ve previously covered how to easily create infographics online without needing to download any software. With all the tools now available, it’s literally something anyone can take advantage of, even if you don’t have design skills.
A common misconception is that infographics have to be full of data and statistics, with illustrative graphs and pie charts. They don’t.
In fact, the average blog post can be repurposed into an infographic.
This example from Canva shows zero statistics, has no pie charts or graphs, and simply summarizes a seven-step process that could have easily come from an existing blog post.
Once created, here's a list of sites that accept infographics submissions.
- Blog post
- Internal research
- Quora answer
13. Gifographic
A gifographic is simply an infographic in the form of an animated gif.
The same principles discussed above for infographics apply here too.
Same as Infographic above.
Repurpose on Forums / Q&A
14. Reddit post
Often referred to as the ‘front page of the internet’, Reddit is one of the largest forum-type websites in the world, with more than a million ‘subreddits’—essentially, community areas—that cover a wide variety of topics.
Alexa, which used to rank websites according to relative traffic levels, used to rank it in the top 20 most popular sites in the world, and it came in at #7 in the US.
While not quite up there with Facebook, that put it ahead of Instagram and way ahead of X.
However, you can’t just sign up, start repurposing content and link back to your site or you may find it backfires on you.
There not the space here to go into details, but we have another post that tells you how businesses can market successfully on the platform.
- Blog post
- Quora answer
- Customer support response
15. Quora answer
Quora is a Q&A platform that incorporates some elements of social media, such as followers and likes (upvotes).
Around 60% of their traffic comes from search, so contributing answers puts you not just in front of Quora users themselves, but also additional listings on Google and other search engines.
I’ve covered using Quora for marketing previously so I won’t repeat that info here, other than to say that in terms of content repurposing, it’s an easy one to take advantage of.
It can literally take just a few minutes to repurpose a blog post into an answer for a relevant question.
- Blog post
- Customer FAQ answer
- Video tutorial
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16. Forum post
Forums are often overlooked by those solely focusing on the major social media platforms. Yet they continue to deliver high quality traffic for people who use them in the right way.
Popular forum-type websites are available on all manner of topics, attracting people in your marketplace.
And they’re ideal for repurposing, often enabling you to copy and paste content, with perhaps some minor modifications, from other platforms. People are there to learn.
In fact, forums were one of the first methods I used to drive traffic to my first commercial website and get sales.
Find forums in your niche by simply searching on Google for ‘vbulletin’ followed by one of the main keywords for your niche.
The forum may have its own dedicated site, or you may find a topic area within a much larger forum website.
Wikipedia also maintains a list of popular forums.
Do some research, find one or two forums you can contribute to, and check in regularly looking for opportunities to assist others and add value.
- Blog post
- Quora answer
- Customer support response
17. Blog comment
First, how does leaving comments on other blogs help you?
In terms of direct SEO benefit, it won’t.
But, with the right approach, it can drive traffic and leads for your business.
Neil Patel ran an experiment where he proved that:
- Responding to comments on guest blog posts he’d written generated leads as well as traffic—otherwise he got traffic, but no leads.
- Leaving comments on related industry blogs proved effective for driving traffic, and for increasing authority, credibility and name recognition.
- Leaving longer, thoughtful comments generated the most response—short and sweet comments of just a few words (like ‘Love this post ;)’) had negligible effect.
He also found that the earlier he responded to a blog post by leaving a comment, the more traffic it generated.
And even if the traffic doesn’t generate leads immediately, you can potentially use remarketing ads (including on search) in the days that follow to help convert that traffic via opt-in offers.
So where does repurposing come in?
Within your industry, you’ll find that posts published on other blogs have some relevance to content you’ve previously published.
For example, you may have insights, additional data or experience that can add value to the post.
So add a suitable comment, repurposing that information, and linking back to the post for more info. Do this either via your name or potentially via a direct link within the comment.
- Blog post
- Quora answer
- Social post
Repurpose as Courses / Tutorials
18. Video tutorial
This is a relatively easy one.
Many blog posts—and other types of content—are ‘how to’-type content pieces, or otherwise written to teach readers something.
For example, this post is effectively teaching you how to repurpose content in multiple ways.
The same information in your how-to content can be easily repurposed into video form:
- Perhaps additionally repurpose the same content into a presentation (see below for more info on doing that!), giving you additional reach with the same content.
- If it relates to say, doing something online or using some software, use a screenshare-type tutorial to guide the viewer, basing the material on the original post.
- For a practical, offline topic—such as how to make or fix something—record a direct video using your smartphone.
See my previous post on how to make video content, including additional ideas and the various software tools available to help.
- Blog post
- Customer FAQs
- Customer support response
19. Udemy course
Udemy is a large content platform that provides online courses for their audience.
People can freely contribute material to the site, creating courses they can enjoy revenue share from, or provide for free.
By repurposing content as a Udemy course, you can not only attract an additional revenue source from the site directly, but also get your information in front of a huge audience you wouldn’t otherwise reach.
- Blog posts
- Book
- Video (series)
Udemy is one of the best known online teaching platforms, but there are other similar platforms well worth exploring too, including the following three sites:
20. Teachable
As for Udemy course above.
Download this list of 70+ killer ways to repurpose content so you have it to refer back to:
As for Udemy course above.
22. Skillshare
As for Udemy course above.
Repurpose Content Offline
23. Book (printed)
Becoming an author gives you an immediate lift in authority and credibility, and opens doors that wouldn’t otherwise open.
And a printed book does it in a way that an ebook—already discussed above—can’t do alone.
“Since publishing, my world has become a lot bigger really quickly. I’m reaching people who I didn’t think I could reach, and that’s allowed me to be much more selective about who I work with. Lately, I’ve actually slowed down on the speaking and media because I can’t handle all the business—I don’t know what to do with all the phone calls.”
Doug Brackmann, author of Driven (quoted on Scribe)
A printed book can be one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal.
Yet the process of creating one is little different to creating an ebook—see the ebook section above for how to strategically create your book through content repurposing.
- Blog posts
- Ebook
- Email course
24. Contributory chapter to a book
You don’t even have to write the whole book to get the benefit.
You can also co-create one with multiple others, contributing a chapter to a book on a particular topic, and thereby claiming authorship status.
Some industries offer this type of opportunity—usually in return for a fee—to co-create a book alongside an existing influencer or authority figure, raising your own authority and credibility in the process.
You may also receive a direct invitation to do so, partnering with other authors under the leadership of a managing editor.
Or you may decide to initiate such a project yourself, partnering with leadership figures in your industry—perhaps those you already know through networking—and publishing a book for mutual benefit.
- Blog post
- Whitepaper/guide/report
- Udemy course
25. Printed publication
Consider repurposing content for printed publications—such as an offline newsletter or magazine.
SmartBlogger has a great post on how to get paid to write for magazines.
While they will mostly require original content, that does not preclude repurposing content you may have already created, as long as it’s been rewritten to a sufficient level.
- Blog post
- Autoresponder message
- Ebook (chapter)
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26. Live event
What content can you repurpose as a live event?
A workshop or weekend seminar can be easily created by effectively repurposing content from a book, series of blog posts, or a course you already have on Udemy.
In fact, this is done all the time!
Even though you may cover much of the same material as in a book for example, you can:
- Go into further depth on certain subjects.
- Present the information in a way that’s more helpful for a live audience.
- Provide additional insights and inspiration that’s only possible in a live environment.
And of course people get additional benefits from:
- Seeing the information presented visually.
- Listening to and interacting with the presenter or content creator.
- Learning alongside others.
- Networking opportunities.
- Book
- Blog posts
- Udemy course
Repurpose as Video Content
27. Videographic
What’s a videographic? Think infographic or gifographic (see sections on these above), but presented in video form.
There are software tools that help you do just that such as Biteable—here’s one of the videographic templates they have available.
- Infographic
- Gifographic
- Blog post
28. Live streaming video
Live video is now a popular and powerful way to connect with your audience across most of the major social media platforms, including:
- X
- YouTube
Hootsuite provide a useful overview of how to approach live video on each of these platforms, including potential ways to stream to more than one at the same time.
“Armed with a smartphone and a social media account, anyone can be the director of their own live spectacular… Social media live streaming is dynamic, authentic and engaging... The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment or tools to tap into the world of self-broadcasting.”
—Stacey McLachlan, writing on Hootsuite.
Through live video, you can repurpose your existing content and deliver a range of additional benefits.
And of course, afterwards you can repurpose that video for publication elsewhere.
- Blog post
- Teleseminar
- Live event
29. Video podcast
Podcasts of course aren’t restricted to just audio form, many broadcast in video form too.
Video podcasts have been supported by Spotify since July 2020, making the format increasingly mainstream.
A good proportion of podcasters already record in video anyway—Joe Rogan and Lewis Howes to name just a couple—and distribute the video through YouTube.
The audio is then stripped out and used for the more traditional audio podcast form.
Even popular YouTubers have launched podcasts, distributing them through dedicated YouTube channels.
In other words, video podcasts are here to stay, and are growing.
- Blog post
- Book (chapter)
- SlideShare presentation
30. Webinar
Webinars are powerful marketing tools, offering a way to connect with your audience by providing an educational, informative experience.
Approached in the right way, they offer a high level of value for the end user, a memorable, sometimes life-changing experience, and can be highly profitable.
Even better, existing content can be repurposed as a webinar, enabling you to multiply its value, potentially several fold.
Popular webinar platforms include:
- WebinarJam
- Zoom—here's how to set up a webinar on the platform:
- Video tutorial
- Whitepaper/guide/report
- Email course
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Repurpose as Audio Content
31. Teleseminar
Although nowhere near as popular or submersive an experience, a teleseminar is very similar to a webinar, but without the visuals.
Participants typically connect via a telephone number, listen to an auditory presentation, and potentially interact directly with the presenter if unmuted and enabled to do so.
Teleseminar providers include:
- Book
- Webinar
- Podcast episode
32. Audio podcast
We’ve already covered video podcasts.
An audio podcast is the more traditional form, a purely auditory experience.
Their rise in popularity shows no signs of abating, with Spotify tripling the number of podcasts they offer in the space of just 12 months, in so doing attracting:
- 24% more subscribers
- A 29% increase in advertising revenue.
Platforms to recording and publishing your own podcast include:
- Video podcast
- Blog post
- Webinar
33. Be interviewed
You don’t have to create and publish your own podcast to take advantage of the rise in podcasting popularity.
You can instead become a guest for existing podcasters to interview.
Becoming an author of a printed book (see above) helps enormously with attracting such opportunities because of the authority and credibility it automatically confers, both for the podcaster and for their audience.
There are even services now available that act as a kind of matchmaking service between podcast publishers and potential guests. Here are a couple of them:
- Book
- Webinar
- Whitepaper/guide/report
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Repurpose as Presentation / Slideshow
34. SlideShare presentation
SlideShare attracts tens of millions of visitors a month, and is one of the top few hundred websites in the world.
By creating content for the platform, you:
- Get exposure on SlideShare itself.
- Attract rankings on Google for your presentation.
- Can embed your presentations elsewhere, increasing engagement and other marketing metrics.
- Can use presentations as the basis of videos which can then be used for visibility on YouTube, for content on social media, and additional benefits elsewhere.
I’ve gone into much more detail on how to use SlideShare for marketing in a previous post, including how to successfully repurpose existing content into an effective presentation for the platform.
- Blog post (see how here)
- Video tutorial
- Webinar (you may have already created a slideshow for the webinar presentation)
Once done, you can then potentially further repurpose your SlideShare presentation as content on the following platforms too...
35. Scribd
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36. AuthorStream
37. Speaker Deck
38. SlideServe
Repurpose as Social Media Posts
Of course, the content you create should also be distributed across your social media channels in order to:
- Connect with your audience.
- Build the relationship.
- Attract traffic back to your website.
- Grow your credibility, authority and influence.
While not exhaustive, some of the main types of social media posts are covered here.
For many of them, you should aim to share your content more than once.
A blog post has value well beyond its initial publication date, and can provide useful material for your social media audiences for several months afterwards, if not longer.
The same goes for other types of content.
39. Post on X
Short, succinct and to the point. Most types of content will lend itself well to being shared on X, and in multiple ways too.
For example, this post could be broken down into multiple X posts, each sharing a different way to repurpose content.
Posts on X don’t always have to link back somewhere either. Simply post some information of value for your audience, or use repurposed content to help engage others in conversation.
The more followers you have, the more reach and engagement your posts on X will attract. Click on the following related content for more info:
- Blog post—key quotes/statistics
- Infographic
- Quora answer
40. Facebook Page post
There are three main ways to post on Facebook. The first is via the Facebook Page for your business.
Although organic reach on Facebook is a fraction of what it used to be, it’s still important to keep your feed fresh and updated.
Regularly sharing your own content, both original and repurposed, is one way to do it.
- Blog post
- Live event—for example, a still shot with accompanying text
- Infographic
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41. Facebook personal post
For some types of businesses, sharing content through their personal profile on Facebook may also be appropriate.
However, it’s important to be aware of who your audience is, whether your content is appropriate for them, and the type of engagement you may attract as a result.
- Video tutorial
- Blog post
- Live event—for example, short personalized video from the event
42. Facebook Group post
You may be a member of various Facebook Groups you could add value to by sharing your content with them.
However, it’s important to be aware of the rules of the group, the type of content that’s appropriate for sharing, and the outcome you’re looking for.
Not all groups are going to appreciate you sharing your latest blog post or video.
However, it might instead be appropriate to summarize such information to add value and build relationships with others, and perhaps spark some meaningful and perhaps valuable conversations with others.
- Blog post
- Video tutorial
- SlideShare presentation
43. Instagram post
Many marketers prefer Instagram over Facebook for the increased engagement levels you can attract on the platform.
But for marketers and business owners, it can prove a little bewildering in terms of how to use it effectively.
SocialMediaExaminer has a useful article that helps, outlining ways to share links on Instagram.
- Blog post
- Live event—for example, short videos, photo stills
- X post
44. LinkedIn Company Page post
As with Facebook, you can post on LinkedIn via a page linked to your business (your Company Page), a post on your personal profile, or via a Group.
However, LinkedIn is regarded as a digital form of networking, and posts tend to attract more engagement when coming from individuals rather than seemingly faceless corporate entities.
So, while you certainly want to repurpose content as posts on your Company Page—such as sharing blog posts and videos—do so from your personal profile, and then share it to your Company Page.
Alternatively, post to your Company Page, but then share it to your network as an individual.
- Facebook post
- Blog post
- Video tutorial
45. LinkedIn personal post
Unlike Facebook (at least, for most businesses), repurposing content as posts on LinkedIn should be done primarily through your personal, individual profile.
As mentioned above, that’s how you’ll attract the most engagement—people are looking to network with other individuals just like you.
- LinkedIn article
- SlideShare presentation
- Quora answer
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46. LinkedIn Group post
If your content is on-topic within the LinkedIn Group, it’s generally fine to repurpose it by sharing it within the group. Just check any group rules first.
Some groups are also more active and worthwhile than others, so experiment and test out the type of engagement you can attract.
- Facebook Page post
- Blog post
- SlideShare presentation
47. Pinterest post
Many types of content are ideal for sharing on Pinterest, yet the network is often overlooked by many marketers.
Pinterest is growing rapidly, and now has over 450 million monthly active users, more than X and Snapchat combined.
Pinterest users are also:
- Ready to take action
- Affluent
- Three times more likely to click through to a product or service than any other social media platform
And two thirds of them go to Pinterest to find an idea, product or service they can trust.
What’s not to love?
For more info, see our beginner's guide on using Pinterest for marketing.
- Blog post—a suitable image from the post
- Infographic
- Video content
48. Pinterest board
As well as individual posts, you can also create a Pinterest board that repurposes a particular type of content.
- If you've created a SlideShare, try posting slides from the presentation as individual pins on the board.
- Or for repurposing a blog post, you may have—or can create—different images from the post to add to a board focusing on your post.
You can even contribute content to Pinterest group boards, which can generate a lot more traffic if you’re just getting started on Pinterest.
As an example, here’s a list of several generic group boards that bloggers can contribute content to, including the one above.
However, best results will come from contributing to boards with more direct relevance to the audience you’re trying to reach.
- Blog post—create a board reflecting the images from the post
- SlideShare presentation—use different slides from the presentation
- Live event
Republishing Articles
49. Medium article
I’ve previously covered how to blog on Medium, and indeed, why you should.
It’s now one of the top content platforms to which you should be regularly repurposing your content, growing an audience, and even earning direct revenue from the platform itself.
You can create and contribute to your own Publication, or contribute to Publications run by others already have sizable audiences.
- Blog post
- LinkedIn article
- Guest post
50. Guest post
An obvious choice for repurposing blog posts—rewrite to make it original, and publish as a guest post on other blogs, putting you in front of an often significant audience you wouldn’t otherwise reach.
Your content will likely stay in place for years, providing one or more backlinks, traffic, and enhanced credibility and authority.
The only drawback is that it can take a lot of time locating and then reaching out to suitable blogs to contribute to, trying to get a response.
Various sites have already done the research and provide a list of potential blogs, such as this one.
However, you’ll still need to comb through the list to find those relevant to your own industry, and check their current guidelines and policies.
In addition, you’ll likely need to do your own research to find potential blogs to contribute to. This post has a number of search strings to use on Google.
- Blog post
- Book (chapter)
- Quora answer
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51. LinkedIn article
I’ve already mentioned posting to LinkedIn. You can also publish full articles on the platform.
If you want to know how, here’s a full guide, including all the benefits you get from doing so, such as:
- Lead generation.
- Increased search engine visibility.
- Growing numbers of connections and followers.
- Blog post
- Medium article
- Video tutorial
52. BizSugar
BizSugar is a site run by a team in Florida that you can submit articles to on small business topics.
It operates a little bit like a social media site, with other BizSugar users upvoting your content and thereby increasing its visibility on the platform. Users can also add comments.
However, you don’t submit the full article, but the title, description and link. It’s then published on the site, giving you a link back and potentially attracting some traffic.
In addition to articles, content such as videos can also be submitted to the site.
If you’re trying to reach small business owners, it’s probably worth adding to your content distribution list.
- Blog post
- Medium article
- LinkedIn article
53. Triberr
Triberr is a membership website (with both free and paid options) that operates as a kind of support network for bloggers. You join tribes and help promote each other’s content.
BloggingWizard provides multiple tips from top Triberr users on how to use the platform effectively.
- Blog post
- Medium article
- LinkedIn article
54. GrowthHackers
GrowthHackers publishes articles relevant to fast-growing businesses, including topics on ‘growth hacking’, marketing, user acquisition, engagement, product launches, and anything else that relates to driving growth.
You don’t submit the article itself, but the title, a description, and the link to the article.
GrowthHacker users can then upvote, comment on and share the article. As you’d expect, content attracting the most engagement will also attract more visibility on the site.
- Blog post
- Medium article
- LinkedIn article
55. Business 2 Community
Business2Community is one of the top 10,000 most popular sites in the world (Alexa) and growing.
It’s a content platform that publishes user-contributed articles on a wide range of categories and topic areas including:
- Digital and Social
- Sales and Marketing
- Business and Finance
- Life and Entertainment
- Tech and Gadgets
They also syndicate content to Yahoo! News, Bing News and Google News.
You can submit articles of 300 words or more, which may include infographics, videos and relevant links.
To contribute to the site, you need to apply, which includes providing them with writing samples.
Once accepted however, you do need to contribute regularly or you may find you need to reapply.
As for Growth Hackers above
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56. Hacker News
Hacker News is “a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship”—according to their guidelines, “anything that gratifies one’s intellectual curiosity”.
However, it does operate a little differently to other sites—its culture is similar in some ways to Reddit (see above).
While it’s “okay to post your own stuff occasionally, … the primary use of the site should be for curiosity”. It shouldn’t be used purely for self-promotion.
Essentially, you post a link, which other users can then upvote and comment on. If you examine the comments, posts generally attract meaningful conversations.
So if you have some content that may spark curiosity and conversation and is on-topic, it may get some decent exposure here, provided you’re also contributing in other ways too.
As for Growth Hackers above
57. Social Media Today
SocialMediaToday covers anything related to social media, including social marketing, digital strategy and content marketing.
At the time of writing, they’re “not currently accepting any new contributor applications”.
However, they are likely to reopen this at some point and it’s certainly worth keeping an eye on if you publish relevant content. They do after all have a prominent ‘Write for us’ link on their site.
They have also previously accepted potential submissions via RSS feed.
As for Growth Hackers above
58. Tumblr post
Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking website, currently owned by Automattic (who also own WordPress, WooCommerce and other properties).
Users can follow each other, and what they post on their blogs will appear in your feed.
It’s hugely popular, with tens billions of posts so far published on the platform. The demographic is mostly American and mostly under 25.
Crello has a great post on how get started on Tumblr, including using it successfully for business purposes.
- Blog post
- Infographic
- Video content
59. Facebook Instant Articles
As with LinkedIn articles, Facebook also provides publishers with a way to publish longer content on the platform.
In doing so, you can attract 52% more views for your content than you would if you posted a normal web link.
There’s also the option to monetize the content by sharing revenue for ads shown within your content.
However, for most businesses they would monetize it more effectively by using the content to drive their own lead generation.
You can do this via their Email Newsletter Sign-Up Unit that can be integrated into your Instant Articles.
It also need not take any time to publish on the platform—articles can be published automatically via plugins, via a specially-formatted RSS feed or via their API.
Buffer have a good walkthrough of how to get started with Instant Articles.
- Blog post
- Medium article
- Book (chapter)
60. Updating old blog posts
Just as businesses tend to favor new customer acquisition over monetizing existing customers more effectively, they also predominantly focus on new content creation rather than dormant value lying in existing content.
Of course, those who strategically pursue content repurposing have seen the light—and updating old blog posts is a prime example.
It’s highly effective too, often pushing once-popular posts back up the search rankings and reenergizing the traffic levels it used to attract.
“51% of companies say updating old content has proven the most efficient tactic implemented”.
SEMrush (source)
As your content library grows, make it a regular activity to revisit and update articles to keep them fresh and the content pertinent. Ideally, this should be at least once every 1-2 years.
The obvious first port of call is your blog, but you’ll also benefit from periodically updating:
- Medium articles
- LinkedIn articles
- Quora answers
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61. Expert roundup post (contribution)
The expert roundup post is a popular format. A prime example is the post I linked to in the Triberr section above, featuring a number of Triberr experts all contributing content to the same article.
The format can bring you a lot of visibility too, because most of those contributing will share the article through their social channels, multiplying the benefits for everyone involved.
As your own content (and therefore, authority and credibility) grows, you will likely receive invitations to contribute from others.
In doing so, you may potentially contribute content repurposed from something else you’ve published; or repurpose your contribution as content that can then be published elsewhere.
Of course, you don’t have to wait to be invited to contribute to an expert roundup post.
Initiate one yourself by inviting potential contributors, and letting them know all the channels through which the content will be repurposed and distributed to give them massive exposure in return for the paragraph or two they contribute.
- Quora answer
- Blog post
- Reddit post
Paid Distribution
Various services exist to amplify your content, effectively repurposing it into advertisements that get shown to whole new audiences you wouldn’t otherwise reach.
Here are some of the main options.
62. Facebook
One of the easiest ways to take advantage of advertising on Facebook is to boost a post that shares a link to content, such as on your blog or a Facebook Instant Article (see above).
This can generate leads for your business by integrating opt-in offers, such as a high-relevance opt-in offer (see above), into that content.
Or you might decide to create a post specifically for advertising, such as a link to a separate opt-in page that offers a report, or your high-relevance opt-in offer, offered as a separate lead magnet.
- Blog post
- Whitepaper/guide/report—offer via an opt-in page
- High-relevance opt-in offer—offer via an opt-in page
The same applies to the following few options as well:
63. LinkedIn
See LinkedIn’s advertising options here.
64. X
See X’s advertising options here.
65. Pinterest
See Pinterest’s advertising options here.
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66. Tumblr
See Tumblr’s advertising options here.
67. ZergNet
Zergnet is a ‘content recommendation’ company. It works by adding content recommendations from Zergnet onto your website, in return receiving traffic from Zergnet placements on other websites.
As Facebook above.
68. Zemanta
Zemanta, owned by Outbrain (see below), enables you to acquire traffic for your content via native ad exchanges, along with video and display networks.
It “empowers brands and agencies to buy advertising that is optimized for post-click engagement” with your content.
As Facebook above.
69. Outbrain
You’ve likely seen Outbrain content widgets on sites across the web. It mixes links to content on the hosting website, along with links to content on other websites.
In other words, when you advertise your content, it appears alongside other content on relevant websites, attracting visitors.
It provides over 30 targeting options including demographics, lookalike audiences, retargeting, interests, and so on.
As Facebook above.
70. Taboola
Taboola operates on a similar premise to Outbrain above. You reach audiences on publishing websites, with your content published alongside other content recommendations.
As Facebook above.
71. Nativo
Nativo’s Native Article is described as “the most effective native ad format in digital media for driving engagement”.
Essentially, your content is matched to relevant sites based on the information it contains, and formatted for consistency with the publishing website.
As Facebook above.
To Conclude
So that's over 70 different ways to repurpose content, and thereby multiply the benefits your seed content delivers for your business.
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How many of these are you already using?
And how many can be integrated into your content repurposing workflow in future?
I’m guessing there are at least two or three options on this list that you’d either forgotten about, didn’t know about, or are otherwise inspired to try.
Remember that, as with content marketing in general, content repurposing works best when done regularly and consistently, building your audience on additional platforms, and multiplying your reach over time.