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Google Ads: Sizing Options Explained Plus Examples
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Google Ads: Sizing Options Explained Plus Examples
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Quick Summary

It’s important to be aware of all the different ad sizes available on Google Ad's Display Network.

In this post, you’ll:

  • Discover which ad sizes perform best
  • Learn the top 5 most popular ad sizes
  • See a range of over a dozen other ad sizes that are available (including those designed specifically for mobile devices).

Use the ad sizes shown to help you when placing your next Google Ads campaign.

While some ad sizes perform better than others, maximize reach and placement diversity in a new campaign by providing a wide mix of ad sizes.Click To Post On Post on X

Why Does the Size of Your Ad Matter?

Click-Through Rates

As the following graph shows, different ad sizes attract wildly different click-through rates:

DIfferent ad sizes attract different click-through rates

The large rectangle (336x280) gets over 8 times the click-throughs of a full banner ad (468x60) for a non-video ad, and over 5 times the click-throughs of a video ad.

Did you know that different ad sizes on Google Ads Display Network attract wildly different CTRs? A 336x280 ad attracts 8x the CTR of 468x60.Click To Post On Post on X

Device Usage

It’s important to be aware that some ad sizes will only show on mobile devices, such as:

  • The mobile banner (300x50)
  • The tablet landscape full-screen ad (1024x768)
  • The mobile landscape full-screen ad (480x320)

So if your targeting includes mobile users, you may want to include ads that match the above dimensions.


In certain locations, some ad sizes are more popular than others. For example:

  • 980x120—this is the most popular ad size in Sweden and Finland
  • 250x360—second most popular size in Sweden
  • 980x90—a popular size in Europe
  • 950x90—popular in China
  • 930x180—popular in Denmark, known as a “top banner”
  • 750x300, 750x200, 750x100—popular sizes in Poland
  • 580x400—very popular in Norway

So if you’re trying to reach people in these locations but don’t provide ads that match the relevant sizes, your reach is going to be restricted.

Kinda weird, but ad sizes in some locations are more popular than others. For example, 980x90 in Europe, 950x90 in China or 580x400 in Norway.Click To Post On Post on X

Responsive Display Ads

Rather than provide assets suitable for each and every ad size available, you can create Responsive Display Ads on Google that automatically adjust to fit almost everywhere.

Watch this quick overview:

Using them involves uploading images, headlines, logos, videos and descriptions that are then used to generate ads dynamically to fit the size where they are to be shown.

Machine learning will determine the combinations that work best in the appropriate slots, auto-optimizing the ads for you,

Google’s Responsive Display Ads will fit any ad size

However, these types of ads aren't for everyone.

For example, you may want more control over exactly what is shown, or you may not have the ad budget available that would generate the data required to make machine learning effective.

How to Pick Which Ad Sizes to Use

While it may seem tempting to only provide ads that match the best-performing ad sizes, this doesn’t necessarily match the inventory Google has available at any one time.

So to maximize both reach and the diversity of websites on which your ads are placed, it’s best, at least to begin with, to provide ads that match a mix of different ad sizes.

Once your ads start running and you start to collect data, you’ll be able to determine the sizes that are working best and optimize accordingly.

Rather than provide ads for every ad size available, Google's Responsive Display Ads automatically adjust to fit almost anywhere, automatically optimizing with AI.Click To Post On Post on X

According to Google, the following represents some of the most popular ad sizes.

You’ll see an image representing each one to give a sense of the dimensions, but note that they won’t necessarily be to scale, as they automatically adjust to fit the space available.

There are also real-life examples of some of the ad sizes, as found on different websites.

Leaderboard (728x90)

The leaderboard, 728x90

The leaderboard ad is one of the most familiar ad sizes around the web, and one of the best performing too.

Presumably because user screens have increased in size, they are now more popular than the once ubiquitous 468x60 banner that was once ubiquitous.

Example of the leaderboard in Google Ads, sizing is 928x90

Large Rectangle (336x280)

Large rectangle ad, 336x280

As described at the top of this post, the 336x280 ad size attracts one of the highest click-through rates, and it’s wise to include an ad in your campaign at this size if possible.

Medium Rectangle (300x250)

Medium rectangle ad, 300x250

Similar to the Large Rectangle ad above, this is just a little smaller at 300x250. While it may not offer as high performance as the 336x280, it’s a popular ad size with publishers so there’s often more inventory available.

It's also referred to as an Inline Rectangle ad.

Example of an ad sized to 300x250

Wide Skyscraper (160x600)

Wide skyscraper, 160x600

More successful than its 120x600 counterpart due to the slightly wider real estate, skyscraper ads like this work well because they stay in view for longer as the visitor scrolls down the page.

Mobile banner (300x50)

Mobile banner ad, 300x50

One of the most effective ad sizes for mobile devices, at just 300x50 it’s ideal for grabbing attention on smaller screens without completely dominating.

Other Ad Sizes

While the above are the most popular sizes Google has available, there are over a dozen more that are in use by publishers and worth experimenting with.

Mobile Banner (320x50)

Mobile banner ad, 320x50

First, a couple of other banner ads designed for mobile screens, this one just a little longer than the 300x50 style ad above.

Large Mobile Banner (320x100)

Large mobile banner ad, 320x100

And this one gives you double the height of the previous one, giving advertisers a little more room to play with.

Square (250x250)

Square ad, 250x250

Now a couple of square ads, designed to be shown on both desktop and mobile devices, first the 250x250 version.

Performance can be hampered though by two things.

First, Google’s inventory at this size can be limited; and, secondly, for whatever reason, people prefer to click on more rectangular-shaped ads.

Example of 250x250 square ad on Google

Small Square (200x200)

Small square ad, 200x200

As for the 250x250 ad, the 200x200 square ad is essentially the same thing, just a little smaller, and available for display to users on both mobile and desktop.

Skyscraper (120x600)

Skyscraper ad, 120x600

What follows are a number of skyscraper-style ads, first the 120x600-style ad that used to be everywhere but which has since been usurped by the wider 160x600 skyscraper previously mentioned.

Half-Page Ad (300x600)

Half-page ad 300x600

At two and a half times the width of the skyscraper, the half-page ad is its hard-to-miss much stockier cousin.

Example of a half-page ad

Vertical Rectangle (240x400)

Vertical rectangle ad, 240x400

Effectively this, and the triple widescreen ad below, are slightly smaller variations of the half-page ad shown above.

Triple Widescreen (250x360)

Triple widescreen ad, 250x360

Portrait (300x1050)

Portrait ad, 300x1050

The longest skyscraper ad available, on many desktops screens this would take up the entire height of the screen and is particularly large and dominating, grabbing attention through the sheer amount of space it consumes.

Example of a portrait ad, sized at 300x1050

Banner (468x60)

Banner ad, 468x60

That’s it for the skyscrapers, and we’re now into the horizontal banner ads, starting with this small but relatively common 468x60 basic banner.

Example of a banner in Google Ads, sizing for this ad is 468x60

Large Leaderboard (970x90)

Large leaderboard ad, 970x90

Effectively the large leaderboard is the longer and a little taller version of the banner above, providing more room to advertisers than the constrictions of the basic banner ads.

Top Banner (930x180)

Top banner ad, 930x180

Double the height of the large leaderboard, and slightly shorter in width.

Panorama (980x120)

Panorama ad, 980x120

The panorama is the longest banner ad available.

Billboard (970x250)

Billboard ad, 970x250

The billboard ad is only slightly less wide than the panorama above, but is more than double the height, and will quite often show in a separate devoted space right at the top of a website.

Example of a 970x250 size Google ad

Netboard (580x400)

Netboard ad, 580x400

Finally, the netboard is a large rectangular ad designed to pack a punch and grab the attention of visitors thanks to the significant amount of screen real estate that it occupies.

To Conclude

Use this post as a reference guide for your next campaign on Google Ads, sizing your ads to suit a variety of potential ad placements—bookmark it now so you have it to refer back to.

Remember to pick ad sizes that suit both desktop and mobile devices, so you don’t for example inadvertently exclude potential visitors on mobile.

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Steve Shaw is the founder of EverywhereMarketer, helping businesses and professional marketers streamline their content strategies and maximize their impact across multiple channels.

With over 20 years of experience running online businesses, Steve has served 13,000 customers across 137 countries, empowering them to achieve measurable results in their marketing efforts.

At EverywhereMarketer, Steve combines proven expertise with innovative tools to help marketers grow their online visibility, drive engagement, and scale their businesses with confidence.

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