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TikTok Algorithm Explained: Tips to Enhance Your Organic Reach

TikTok Algorithm Explained: Tips to Enhance Your Organic Reach

TikTok has quickly become a global powerhouse, boasting over a billion active users each month.

Whether you’re a small business, an aspiring influencer, or a content creator looking to grow your brand, TikTok offers a unique opportunity to reach a massive audience.

But here’s the challenge: TikTok’s algorithm.

If you’ve ever posted a video and wondered why it didn’t get the views you expected, you’re not alone.

Many creators struggle to understand how TikTok decides which videos go viral and which get buried.

The good news?

You can crack the code of the TikTok algorithm and boost your organic reach.

In this post, we’re going to explain exactly how the TikTok algorithm works and share actionable tips you can start using today to grow your presence on the platform.

Ready to take your TikTok game to the next level? Let’s get started!

What is the TikTok Algorithm?

At its core, the TikTok algorithm is a recommendation system designed to curate content specifically for you.

When you open the app and scroll through your For You Page (FYP), you’re seeing videos that TikTok believes you’ll enjoy, based on how you’ve interacted with the platform in the past.

TikTok for you page in the application with video collections

But how exactly does TikTok figure that out?

The algorithm works by analyzing your activity — from the types of videos you like, comment on, or share to the accounts you follow. It even considers how long you watch certain videos. All of these interactions provide the algorithm with signals that help it understand your preferences.

For content creators and businesses, understanding this system is crucial. The better the algorithm understands your content and audience, the more likely your videos will reach the right people and potentially go viral. This is why creators who master the TikTok algorithm can see exponential growth, while those who don’t may struggle to gain traction.

Key Components of the TikTok Algorithm

There are several factors that TikTok uses to decide which videos to show on a user’s FYP:

1. User Interactions

Every like, comment, share, and follow acts as a signal to the algorithm, helping it determine what content resonates with users.

An example of TikTok engagement for TikTok Algorithm explained with Alex Hormozi’s account

If your video gets a lot of interaction, TikTok interprets it as a sign of quality and may promote it to a broader audience.

The critical factor is the "watch time." TikTok checks if viewers are watching your video all the way through.

An example of average watch time on TikTok for the algorithm

If most people finish watching your video or even rewatch it, that tells TikTok the video is interesting and worth showing to more users.

On the other hand, if people leave halfway through, the algorithm might show it to fewer people.

For example, if you create a 15-second video and most viewers watch it all, your video has a better chance of being promoted to a broader audience.

2. Video Information

This includes details like the sounds you use, the captions, and the hashtags (hashtags can help the algorithm understand your video and who might be interested in watching it).

Using trending sounds or relevant hashtags increases your chances of being discovered, as TikTok often pushes trending content to a larger audience.

TikTok latest hashtags trends to follow through the platform’s algorithm

Choosing Your Sound

The sound you choose plays a key role. TikTok loves trending sounds. Whether it’s a popular song, a viral audio clip, or a funny meme.

TikTok algorithm explained with using TikTok sounds

By using a trending sound, your video can attract more attention because TikTok often pushes such content to a wider audience.

3. Device and Account Settings

Although less influential, factors like your language preferences, country, and even device type can impact the content you see.

TikTok uses this information to ensure users are shown content that’s relevant to them based on location and platform settings.

Trending topics on TikTok based on location

Tips to Enhance Your Organic Reach

Now that you understand how the TikTok algorithm works, it’s time to use that knowledge to your advantage.

Growing your audience on TikTok doesn’t have to be a guessing game.

By following these actionable tips, you can improve your chances of getting your content in front of more people — without spending money on ads.

1. Create Engaging Content

The most important factor in TikTok’s algorithm is engagement.

To boost your organic reach, you need to create videos that capture attention immediately and keep viewers watching until the end.

The first few seconds are crucial — use them to hook your audience with a surprising statement, an eye-catching visual, or a compelling question.

An example of TikTok video content with quality for best engagement

Tip: Start your video with something unexpected or visually captivating to stop users from scrolling.

Example: Many successful creators use humor or intrigue in the opening moments to grab attention. For instance, starting with a bold claim like, "You won’t believe what happened next…" can spark curiosity and increase watch time.

TikTok thrives on trends. Using popular sounds and hashtags can significantly increase your visibility because the algorithm often pushes trending content to more users.

Joining viral challenges or incorporating trending music in your videos can boost their discoverability.

A popular and trending sound on TikTok that most users used

Tip: Keep an eye on the Discover page or TikTok’s trending sounds to see what’s hot, and use them in your own creative way.

Example: During the viral #WipeItDown challenge, many creators who jumped on the trend experienced a surge in engagement. Participating in these trends can help your videos get featured on the For You Page.

3. Post Consistently

Consistency is key to staying relevant on TikTok. Regular posting not only keeps your followers engaged but also increases the likelihood that your content will be recommended to new viewers.

The more you post, the more opportunities you create for your videos to be picked up by the algorithm.

An example of consistent posting on TikTok by Steve Mellor

Tip: Aim to post at least once a day to keep your account active and stay top-of-mind with your audience.

Example: Research suggests that creators who post daily or several times a week see higher engagement rates than those who post sporadically.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement goes beyond likes and views.

Actively responding to comments, interacting with your followers, and even engaging with other creators’ content can increase your visibility.

TikTok favors accounts that foster community interaction, so don’t hesitate to jump into conversations.

Tip: Reply to comments on your videos, host live streams, and engage with your followers regularly.

Example: Creators like Charli D’Amelio built massive communities by consistently interacting with their followers. The more you engage, the more likely TikTok is to boost your content.

5. Utilize TikTok Analytics

TikTok’s analytics tools are a goldmine for creators looking to grow their audience.

These insights help you understand what type of content works best, which videos are getting the most engagement, and when your audience is most active.

Use this data to refine your content strategy and focus on what resonates with your viewers.

Using and analyzing videos uploaded on TikTok to improve TikTok algorithm with analytics

Tip: Pay close attention to metrics like watch time, engagement rate, and when your followers are most active to optimize your posting schedule.

Example: If you notice that videos posted in the evening perform better, adjust your schedule to post during those peak times. TikTok’s analytics will give you the insights you need to fine-tune your strategy and grow your reach.


Remember, it’s all about creating engaging, trend-driven videos while staying consistent and actively engaging with your community.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While following the right strategies can help boost your organic reach on TikTok, it’s just as important to avoid some common pitfalls.

Missteps in your TikTok strategy can hurt your chances of getting noticed by the algorithm and limit your audience growth. Here are the top mistakes to steer clear of:

1. Overusing Hashtags

Hashtags can increase your visibility, but loading up your video with too many or irrelevant hashtags can backfire.

While it might seem tempting to add every trending hashtag you can think of, this can make your content seem spammy and confuse the algorithm about what your video is really about.

Copywriters of TikTok hashtag ranking spot

Tip: Use 3–5 relevant hashtags that directly relate to your content. Combine niche hashtags with trending ones for better results.

Example: If you’re posting a tutorial on cooking, hashtags like #CookingTips or #EasyRecipes are more effective than generic tags like #fyp or #viral, which won’t necessarily attract the right audience.

2. Ignoring Analytics

TikTok’s built-in analytics tools offer valuable insights into how your content is performing. Failing to use these tools means you’re missing out on opportunities to optimize your strategy. Without tracking which videos get the most views or when your audience is most active, it’s hard to know what’s working and what’s not.

TIkTok views and engagement in the analytics

Tip: Regularly check your analytics to understand what resonates with your audience and adjust your content accordingly.

Example: If you find that videos with behind-the-scenes content are performing better, you can focus on producing more of that type of video. Analytics also help identify the best times to post, maximizing your reach.

3. Inconsistent Posting

Consistency is crucial for growing your audience on TikTok.

Posting irregularly can cause your followers to lose interest and reduce your chances of being picked up by the algorithm.

The more consistently you post, the more likely TikTok will recommend your content to new viewers.

Tip: Create a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts ahead of time, ensuring that you maintain a regular posting routine.

Example: Many successful creators aim to post daily or at least several times a week. This keeps their content fresh and their audience engaged.

To Conclude

Understanding the TikTok algorithm is key to maximizing your organic reach on the platform.

As explained in this post, by focusing on creating engaging content, using trending sounds and hashtags, posting consistently, engaging with your audience, and leveraging TikTok’s analytics, you can significantly boost your visibility.

Avoid common mistakes like overusing hashtags, ignoring your analytics, or posting inconsistently. With the right strategy, you’ll be well on your way to growing your audience and increasing your impact on TikTok.

Now it’s time to put these tips into action! Start applying them to your content today and watch your TikTok presence grow.

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Steve Shaw is the founder of EverywhereMarketer, and has ran online businesses for over 20 years, serving over 13,000 customers in 137 countries. EverywhereMarketer helps you grow online visibility, attract more customers and grow your business across multiple channels.

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